
Before I go telling you about myself I need to stop a minute and tell you why I did this Blog. People, Animals, Plants and many other living things die everyday of pollution and many other reasons and we sit and live our lives fully without even caring about them. Earth is hurting while we are ignoring the fact that it is dying. Yes, I was one of these people who lives without any concerns on what is happening with earth and many other things that we think is minor in this life, while it is not. However, now after I read about it, I am trying my best to find a way to be helpful by showing it to you and making you aware of what is going on.
..,,AbÖut mE,,..
My name is Abdullah Al-Jaberi. I am a twenty years old student majored in Civil Engineering at the Higher College of Technology since 2006. My family consists of my parents, three sisters, two nephews and a niece. It has been such a pleasant and fulfilling environment that I have grew up in as the youngest child at the house.Looking at my way forward during school days, I was thinking of growing up to be a doctor one day and suddenly my life has been drifted to another direction and I am very glad that it did.
I am not really into sports because I tried everything, but I always used to be the shortest and slowest one in the team so I quit. I enjoy watching TV shows and Far East cartoons (anime), listening to music and surfing the net.
My goal is to be a successful Civil Engineer or to rule the earth ''MmmWaaAhahAaHaaAAa'' (^_^) joking …. I hope someday people will sense what the earth is going through and try to find a way to solve these horrifying circumstances, because this depend on the life of our children and grand children.

Global Warming:-

This is the most strongly debated topic on Earth. The world is already suffering from global warming but still many people do not know what does global warming mean and this is a disaster and it means the extension of many living things including humans. Global warming is the increase of the temperature that is lead from many polluted gases like carbon dioxide and many other harmful gases, caused by humans. These harmful gases get trapped in the lower surface of the atmosphere and causes heat and this called the greenhouse affect. A warmer planet means polluted air and water, stronger hurricanes, many storms, more wildfires and other serious consequences. This is a serious human problem and people must find a way to save planet earth.

Causes of Global Warming:-

Burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation is the main cause of global warming. About 93% of the carbon dioxide is emitted from the electric utility industry. Coal emits about 1.7 times as much carbon as natural gas. Natural gas gives out 50% carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is emitted from cars too; about 20% of carbon dioxide comes from the burning of gasoline in the internal combustion engines of cars and other kind of vehicles. Carbon dioxide is emitted from airplanes and it causes about 3.5 % of global warming and it will rise as years pass by. Methane is also one of the major gases which contribute to global warming. While carbon dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas, methane is second most important. It is twenty times more effective than carbon dioxide in trapping the heat in the atmosphere. Another greenhouse gas is nitrous oxide; it is a colorless non-flammable gas with a sweet smell. It is produced naturally in oceans and rain forests. Some examples of manmade nitrous oxides are nylon nitric acid and fertilizers. Deforestation is also another main cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The destroying of forests is throwing hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

Main cause:-

The main greenhouse gas responsible for current global warming is carbon dioxide gas released in the burning of fossil fuels. We must reduce our use of fossil fuels. we must replace coal, oil and natural gas plants for generating electricity by nuclear plants, because they generate the most carbon dioxide. Use nuclear produced electricity for heating homes and other direct uses of heat. Use hydrogen generated by splitting water with nuclear electricity. Plants remove carbon dioxide, but only while they are growing. Rather than putting all the effort into reducing carbon emissions, it may be more cost-effective to put some effort into removing more carbon dioxide. Do not burn wood and replant the forests with fast growing trees. When these trees reach a size at which their growth slows, they would be cut again.

Effects of Global Warming:-

Global warming affects many things on planet earth and we are already witnessing these changes that are happening. I will write down the effects and briefly give more information about them:-

-Wild-life: Animals started to move to northward or to higher, cooler areas because of the heat because heat can kill many animals that is used to live in cold areas and that will lead to the extinction of many animals.

-Diseases: Many diseases will spread such as malaria that is carried by mosquitoes which increase in number in warmer areas.
-Droughts and Floods: Many areas will be dry because the water will evaporate from the earth as opposed to other areas which will be flooded with water and it may harm many people's homes and lives.
-Heat waves: It will affect many children and elderly people too and sometimes it may lead to death.
-Hurricanes: many hurricanes and storms are going to happen and it will get stronger by time and it will wipe off many villages and cities.
…. And many other effects.....

Main effect:-

There are many effects of global warming but I will explain one effect that will happen and it will change many things. This effect is the rising of the sea level due to the melting of the ice at the poles which can make many cities or countries disappear from the earth's surface. Many people will die and many kinds of animals will become extinct such as the polar bear which will have no ice to live on. There are many things that will change people will live in crowded areas, because their cities will be under the water and they will search for other lands to live on. Many plants will die, many animals will die, people will lose their farms, crops, homes, villages and cities, so we have to stop the global warming from happening starting from now.

UAE and Global Warming:-

The United Arab Emirates is one of the top countries which emit carbon dioxide and cause global warming. After two years of signing the Kyoto protocol the UAE is starting to build many green communities around the UAE. People started to know more about global warming because before many people in the UAE did not know much about global warming and they were not aware of the problems that the earth is facing. The UAE is trying many different ways to help stop global warming, like growing trees, using hybrid cars, using solar power. The UAE is trying to find another substitute source of energy than oil.
Links to UAE and Global warming...

My opinion:-

Before this project I knew few about global warming. I thought it is not an important thing but now I know how important global warming is. I can not do much to help stop global accept making people aware by writing this blog and by talking to people and making a debate about global warming. The lives of our children and grandchildren depend on what we are going to do to stop this catastrophe.