
Before I go telling you about myself I need to stop a minute and tell you why I did this Blog. People, Animals, Plants and many other living things die everyday of pollution and many other reasons and we sit and live our lives fully without even caring about them. Earth is hurting while we are ignoring the fact that it is dying. Yes, I was one of these people who lives without any concerns on what is happening with earth and many other things that we think is minor in this life, while it is not. However, now after I read about it, I am trying my best to find a way to be helpful by showing it to you and making you aware of what is going on.
..,,AbÖut mE,,..
My name is Abdullah Al-Jaberi. I am a twenty years old student majored in Civil Engineering at the Higher College of Technology since 2006. My family consists of my parents, three sisters, two nephews and a niece. It has been such a pleasant and fulfilling environment that I have grew up in as the youngest child at the house.Looking at my way forward during school days, I was thinking of growing up to be a doctor one day and suddenly my life has been drifted to another direction and I am very glad that it did.
I am not really into sports because I tried everything, but I always used to be the shortest and slowest one in the team so I quit. I enjoy watching TV shows and Far East cartoons (anime), listening to music and surfing the net.
My goal is to be a successful Civil Engineer or to rule the earth ''MmmWaaAhahAaHaaAAa'' (^_^) joking …. I hope someday people will sense what the earth is going through and try to find a way to solve these horrifying circumstances, because this depend on the life of our children and grand children.

UAE and Global Warming:-

The United Arab Emirates is one of the top countries which emit carbon dioxide and cause global warming. After two years of signing the Kyoto protocol the UAE is starting to build many green communities around the UAE. People started to know more about global warming because before many people in the UAE did not know much about global warming and they were not aware of the problems that the earth is facing. The UAE is trying many different ways to help stop global warming, like growing trees, using hybrid cars, using solar power. The UAE is trying to find another substitute source of energy than oil.
Links to UAE and Global warming...


KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN said...

what is your opinion about global warming in UAE in Future?

Abdullah Al-Jaberi said...

i think it will be good here .. beacause here in the UAE (elhamdellah) we have alot of money and that can help to buy new things to help global warming. + UAE people are already contributing to help stop global warming and we are starting to build new green areas that is CO2 free.

Unknown said...

Nice introduction and I really feel proud that UAE have you guys who think and try to be helpful to our dearest earth .. :) ..
im glad for reading you in these words .. Hope you achieve what you're dream of ()


Unknown said...

Hi abdullah

i really appreciate your concentration towards global worming within our country.

I am currently studying in the UK, and i have to work on my dissertation project soon. I am really intrested in global warming and i want my topic to be associated with global warming within the uae.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how i can narrow my topic down into a good topic title.